Ankur Agarwal of TTK Prestige, Dr Ashish Bajaj of Narayana Health, Girish Rao of Route Mobile, Ishika Sharma of Blis India, Vanda Ferrao of WOW Skin Science, Pawandip Singh of Rapido, and Anand Charles of BMEG
Ajit Varghese of Disney Star
Ashwath Swaminathan of Swiggy
Rasika Prashant of Tata Consumer Soulfull, Ramakant Kaushik of Govo, and Althea van der Veen of Truecaller
Anna Ohlin of IKEA India
Siddhartha Butalia of Air India Express, PG Aditiya of Talented, Dushyant Panda of Razorpay, Brijesh Munyal of Ethinos, and Sharda Pillai of Pink Lemonade
Pelki Tshering of Tanishq with Aparajita Biswas of The Hindu
Amit Doshi of Britannia India
Aditya Krishna of McCain India, Nitin Khanna of Acko, Ragini Hariharan of Himalaya Wellness, Shawn Chandy of Paragon Footwear, Soumitra Choubey of Meesho, and Pratik Gour of Footprynt