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TVC: Cinthol - Alive is Awesome (Creativeland Asia)


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By Malay Desai

From: Creativeland Asia

As part of a new positioning for the soap, its spot shows two men and a woman in exotic outdoor locations taking a soapy bath. Backed by a Hindi jingle with a signature phrase ‘It’s awesome’ coming in at the back of every line, characters of the trio are shown at a beach, waterfall, rural setting, atop an elephant, a cliff, et al. While the soap’s new-look packaging is apparent in a couple of moments, the product towards the end window shows off the entire Cinthol hygiene range.

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It’s the first major campaign for one of India’s oldest soap brands after 2008, when it banked upon a dashing Hrithik Roshan. And perhaps to broaden the image created by the muscular actor, this spot, apparently the face of a new ‘Alive Bathing’ Project, has generic gora models, and importantly a lady. Our verdict – the shift is definitely likeable.

‘Outdoor bathing’ is the oldest idea in the book, almost owned by competitor Liril’s repetitive ‘waterfall’ ads of the 90s, but Cinthol has repackaged it well. The game’s all about repackaging, literally, and good screen time has been given to the soap’s neat new cover to make it desirable. The Preity Zinta waterfall syndrome and Hrithik’s ‘Don’t Stop’ mantra has given way to a more relatable, travel-centric approach and it works. The locations aren’t clichés any more – they range from the simple – beaches and boats, to the bizarre – icy pools, elephant trunk showers and those given by village kids. Novelty and a bit of charm – check.

The ‘Alive is Awesome’ usage has a good vibe to it (crucial for a lime soap) and banks upon one of the most common words used by young junta from the past decade – awesome. (This writer’s yawning at the over-usage of the term these days, but what the heck, it works with the teenager from an Indian B-town.) A final plus - the lady among the dhulai gang busts the soap’s masculine appeal too.

The spot has a fair share of ‘okay then’ moments too though. Firstly, when using natural metaphors for freshness, why literally show the models using the soap everywhere? Who jumps off a cliff with a soap in hand!? Yes the client’s happy but restraint over the foam would’ve made the spot near-perfect. Also, is it just us or do the models change abruptly in the latter half? With the audience not minding multiple viewings of the ad (the jingle’s catchy), the discerning among them will spot the mismatch.

Cool new look, Godrej and Co. And a well timed one, just before the onset of the Indian winter when most competitors might be snoozing.

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