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Running a start-up can be very challenging on multiple fronts. There is however, one thing that I believe is truly the secret to success - and that’s the ability to build and grow strong meaningful relationships. Whether its relationships with your employees, your clients, your partners, suppliers… everyone around you! And if your company is essentially a community, like Women of Opinion (WOOP), then the importance of relationships is that much more.

We all go to fancy MBA colleges to learn marketing. However, I am yet to come across an institute best known for its courses on – ‘How to build strong relationships’.

I have learned this valuable lesson from my dog, Logan. He has been my guru, teaching me how to build strong, authentic, meaningful and lasting relationships.

Emulating the words of author David Richo, Logan has shown me how to focus on the powerful three A’s to build my relationships. Here is what I have learnt from him that has helped me grow WOOP into a community of over two lakh women, with over 20 brand managers on board who believe in the power of it.

A. Attention: Providing undivided attention is basic to nurturing and growing a relationship meaningfully. We are all living in a world of distractions, but for Logan, nothing else matters more than you at that moment. He gives you all the attention when you need it the most. He will play with you tirelessly making sure you are thinking of nothing but him and that ball to throw; and when you need some caressing and pampering, he will ensure you get it all without any distraction.

I’ve learnt from Logan, that it’s not about the amount of time I’m spending with my team or clients - it’s about the quality of attention that I am giving them when I’m with them.

A. Appreciation: We teach our kids to say thank you and show appreciation, but as we grow, we forget to make time for appreciation in our busy schedules. A simple ‘thank you’ goes a long way when it comes to nurturing respect in our relationships. Logan may not be able to speak, but makes sure he conveys his appreciation, without fail. His excitement when you take him for a walk or the happiness on getting that extra serving of chicken, makes his appreciation highly vocal. I’ve learnt from Logan that the best way to build a strong relationship with partners and suppliers is to watch out for the little things they do, even if they do them every single day, and let them know you really appreciate their effort.

A. Allowance: Allowing people around us the freedom to be, is one of the most important things that define our relationships. It is this allowance that manifests into a mutual relationship of trust and responsibility. When I go out for long walks with my husband, we often keep Logan off his leash. He completely respects our trust and walks beside us in the most responsible manner. I’ve learnt from Logan that the best way to grow a strong team, is to empower them with decision-making and let them know they are trusted.

I have a two-year-old daughter who simply loves and adores Logan. I can see her learn the art of loving and caring from him as well. Whether or not she decides to run a business one day, learning the art of empathy will help her be successful, no matter what she chooses to do. I certainly owe Logan a lot, for helping me get to where I am today.

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