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BY Vibha Kagzi

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I believe that some of the best lessons in life are learned through travelling. I have visited over 60 countries across six continents gaining memorable experiences in each of them. From attending elaborate tea ceremonies in Japan to witnessing adrenal-pumping bull-fighting games in Spain, to hiking up Machu Pichu, I learn something new every time I travel. Moreover, having learned French in high school, I was able to connect with the locals in francophone countries such as Morocco, and France. The people I meet and the stories they shared provided me a fresh perspective on life while allowing me to brush up on my language skills. C’est la vie!

Along with travelling, I also explore my other passions. Having earned my open water diving certification in Jamaica in 2002, I have since been able to discover a whole new world underwater. It has also taught me so much about the human anatomy, and how our body reacts when completely submerged in water. You need to exercise incredible control when diving to ensure that your body acclimatizes to being underwater. That is where the basic principles of physics come into play and the buoyant force takes over. My certification has also allowed me to explore the beautiful waters of Iceland, Egypt, Puerto Rico, Malaysia, Thailand, and Australia, each dive a chance to marvel at the unique aquatic ecosystems!

I am also an ardent yoga practitioner, and I finished my yoga certification in 2008, which happened to be right before I started my MBA at Harvard. The word ‘Yoga’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’, which means ‘to join’ or ‘to unite,’ because practicing it helps you connect your mind to your body. Yoga has helped me tremendously during my MBA, and through my professional years; it helps me calm my mind, which allows me to set clear intentions and focus on my goals.

I believe that to stay healthy both physically and mentally, it is important to nourish your body, mind, and soul.

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