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Of food, clothing, mobile & shelter


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By Vikram Raichura

Managing Director, VivaConnect Pvt. Ltd


We have been learning right from our schooldays that India is a land of diversity. Each day, we come across people belonging to different castes, cultures and religions. Ours is probably the only country in the world where more than 100 native languages exist and are equally well spoken. We are Indians, but differ from one another in every possible way. Right from the music we favour, to the cuisines we savour; from the clothes we wear, to the cabs we hail… we need variety in everything we do. Our love for diversity is so immense and intense that we ended up having more than a thousand deities!


This quality of ours also reflects in the electronic devices we choose. Hence when mobile phones entered the Indian market, I knew that three brands and four handsets certainly wouldn’t be enough for us. We needed a lot more. And then, as if my prayers were answered, we were hit by a ‘telecom typhoon’ which left us drenched with more than 50 models of handsets, adding to our delight. While we got busy relishing our new-found mobility, enjoying the liberty of being connected on the move, little did we realize that unknowingly, we had entered the next phase of the race. This time, it is a desire to acquire the smartest device to quench our multimedia thirst.


A week ago, I was taking a train to my favourite weekend destination. As I boarded it and settled into my seat, I couldn’t help noticing my fellow passenger’s activities. The curious marketer in me just couldn’t look away. They were a family of three – parents and daughter – and all three were busy with their smartphones. The daughter was playing some game, while the father was listening to music, frequently seeking his daughter’s assistance.


Meanwhile, the mother was busy reading something from her mobile screen and chanting. I figured it was some holy scripture, and was filled with wonder at the incredible leap this invention has made. A device that entered our lives as a means of two-way wireless communication is now a multi-dimensional multimedia gadget that can educate, enlighten and entertain. All on a single platform!


Smartphones are truly revolutionizing the world around us. Calls are now easily down-sized to a small function of this gadget. Entertainment, camera, Internet and social networking have taken the lead. What were once fancy additional features are now essential functions. You don’t own a mobile phone anymore, you equip yourself with one. They capture your special moments, keep you connected 24x7, guide your way through maps and help you transact. They are our connect to the entire world.


Everything is just a touch away and the possibilities are infinite. The gadget has become so ubiquitous that our basic needs have changed to food, clothing, mobile and shelter!


Now as rains drench the city, I have the pleasure of resting my back as I order my favourite meal over a mobile app, while listening to my favorite audio book and dreaming about more mobile innovations to follow. All courtesy my best companion: my smartphone.


Feedback: vikram@vivaconnect.in

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