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Today, when Facebook and Instagram have become spaces for not just catching up with friends but also for promoting one’s craft or business, the idea that life can be separated from work is a myth. It’s no longer about how many to-do’s you can tick off your list in a day; it’s more about what you actually have on that list. Balancing work and personal life like a see-saw (despite their ups and downs) is so not the deal. They’re more like the two chains of a swing you hold on to, as you ride high skywards, towards your goals.

So, here’s our gameplan for making sure you don’t get thrown off that swing:

KNOW YOURSELF WELL: Play up your strengths and manage your weaknesses. Going against your natural aptitude or underestimating the time you need for doing the work you’re responsible for will stop you from doing what you love and result in stress and related ailments.

GET YOUR PRIORITIES RIGHT: When faced with things to do, understand and identify which ones are urgent and/or important and dedicate relevant time to them. Performing at the top of your game, both at work and at home, can burn you out if you don’t have any me-time: to do what you love, to pursue a hobby or even just goofing off (getting bored is the new stateof-being to aspire to). Learn to say no to things that take you away from your priorities.

KEEP A TIME DIARY: Time is a currency that’s distributed in equal but always seems to be in short supply . Keep a time diary for a month and you’ll be surprised, if not shocked, by the little leakages of time that are stealing your precious moments away from things that matter to you.

BREAK AWAY WHEN IT’S TIME: Work abhors a vacuum and tends to flow into all the time and space that’s available. If you often end up working till midnight – this happens with those working from home and is cool if it’s a one-off deadline – set up a ritual to transit from one activity to another. Once your designated work-time is over, leave the room, go for a walk/gym, play with your kids or do some voluntary work.

MEDITATE: You are more creative and productive at work. Good decisions come easy to you and resolving conflicts is not a huge challenge. You remain calm and stress-free even when all others seem to be losing their cool. Instead, you display empathy and compassion and your empowerment is contagious. Are you a Superman/Superwoman? No, you are a Meditator. Taking care of your physical health is as important to you as taking care of your mental and emotional health. You do this through meditation and this gives you the edge in the game of life. What’s not to like?

GET OUT OF THE RACE (FOR A WHILE): Take a vacation at least once a year. Detach completely. Choose destinations that are out of your comfort zone and once you’re there don’t be that person on the beach with a laptop. Spending the time with your special people will strengthen the bond and give you happy memories (even if you don’t post the photos on Instagram). Highly recommended by doctors.

MAKE TECHNOLOGY YOUR MATE, NOT YOUR MASTER: If the phone is the first thing you reach for when you wake up, then you are somewhat enslaved by technology. Now it’s been proved that the notification pings from your phone shoot up your anxiety levels! But technology is not all bad. It’s fabulous for scheduling bills and payment. Learning and adding to your qualifications is so much easier and fun with the access to classes from around the world.

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