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The art of being a people’s person


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By Rahat Beri

Chief Operating Officer, Percept Profile


Humans have always been a curious lot. Not because they have evolved and have ‘refined’ over time, but purely by the way they interact with each other. Take five minutes out from your busy schedule and look around you, and observe people. You will surely chuckle (Disclaimer: Do it discreetly, otherwise snide looks may come your way).


Observing this particular species and understanding interpersonal communication has always been my favourite pastime, so much that I have always liked being around people and striking up conversations to understand personal reactions. I have always enjoyed being a people’s person and like being a conversationalist.


With openended conversations, you never know how things go. They may lead to new understandings about people, which could be too probing or downright embarrassing. But whatever may be the outcome, conversations are always a great way to know people and understand how human emotions work.


I’ve garnered some of the best lessons of my life through conversations. I would not say that I am a  gifted conversationalist or a crowd charmer, but I do have the gift of the gab. I have always loved being around people and people have loved me back (so much for small mercies of life!). I have learnt many philosophies by talking to various people and I’m totally indebted to them for sharing with me the intricacies of life.


So as life would have it, I chose to pursue a career in communications and so far, I have been successfully unleashing my conversationalist side to garner business for my firm. I recall the moment that started it all, when my eyes sparkled and a deep sense of déjà-vu engulfed me. I was in college, still trying to find my feet on the ground, when I got acquainted with a classmate, a natural charmer.


He was one of those gifted people who had that definitive yet mysterious X factor. Always at the right place and at the right time, this guy knew his way with words, which essentially earned him the moniker ‘conversation pied piper’. He could talk for hours and hours and his knowledge was vast as well. Whenever he opened his mouth to talk, people would readily sit up and pay attention.


It was through him that I understood the relevance of being outspoken and how it helps you get people’s attention about what you want to communicate. Essentially the trigger point that changed my entire viewpoint about communications and led me into this business, this guy made me realize the essentiality of communiqué and how it helps you earn goodwill.


This silent benefactor was the one who taught me that to be known, you need to be able to strike up the right conversations.


Feedback: rahat@perceptprofile.com

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