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Work-Life Integration

BY Sanket Shah

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Travel is considered to be one of the most wonderful ways to recharge yourself and get back to work energized. Some of the biggest life lessons are learned through travelling. I have visited over 75 countries across 8 continents, gaining memorable experiences from different parts of world. For me, the biggest life lesson I have learnt from the number of travelling experiences is acceptance. Human beings are different from one another because we are born in different countries and in different communities. But life is too short to not accept other nationalities, cultures, religions, and more. Once we appreciate the different ways of living, we start accepting people the way they are. Nothing is more eye-opening than exploring another culture where life is completely different than yours.

From booking the best bus service and experiencing a comfortable travel to desiring the thrill of doing different things with different people, there are innumerable ways in which travel lets you explore yourself and your surroundings.

Working hard while also travelling frequently has given me a different high in terms of living. It has changed my life in the recent years. I feel it’s no longer about work-life balance, instead it’s about work-life integration. Because I have the privilege of travelling across the globe and meeting interesting people between work and home, the experiences enrich me personally, and refresh my purpose both in personal and professional terms. Travelling has worked wonders for my peace of mind, which allows me to focus better on my work.

In conclusion, traveling reacquaints us with the joy of learning, exploring, observing and reflecting as we must absorb all that we can. It helps us recognise our shared humanity and find the best in ourselves and in others.

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