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Mindshare-e4m Content Marketing Trends Report

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In the rapidly evolving media landscape, content remains the king. In 2024, businesses are open to opportunities and new challenges in the content marketing sphere. The comprehensive Mindshare-e4m Content Marketing Trends report delves deep into the shifting paradigms, emerging strategies, and innovative techniques that are shaping the trajectory of content marketing. The much-awaited report will be unveiled on April 30 in the presence of industry heads and distinguished leaders from the advertising, marketing and media world.

The report attempts to highlight the latest trends across the Indian content marketing ecosystem, in addition to diving deep into how content has evolved over the years, what is driving its evolution and how content is rewriting the codes of marketing. The report highlights that although still at a very nascent stage in India, content marketing has ballooned to become an INR 10000cr. industry.

This trends report brings together professionals from branded content, creator economy, technology, e-commerce, experiential marketing, data analytics, and entertainment to create a one-of-its-kind holistic document that summarizes the present state of content marketing and also present predictions for the coming year.
The report dives deep into the four key pillars that enable content marketing – Consumers, Creators, Technology, and Platforms. With this report, Mindshare & e4m aim to understand the intricacies of content marketing and enable marketers with relevant information that is required to build relevance with their consumers.

Gen Z, who have caught every marketer’s attention, is extremely different from the generations before them. As per the report, they are India’s first truly Digital natives – spending over 8 hours online, consuming more than 5 hours of content every day, listening to podcasts weekly. 97.9% of them follow influencers. No wonder that 76% of all social media content they consume are creator-made.

The report adds that with higher smartphone penetration and access to digital payment gateways, Tier II+ is emerging as the frontrunner in the growth of India’s digital economy. “Regional content consumption is on the rise as Bharat users or those who prefer consuming social media content in regional and Indic languages over English form 49% of the urban active internet users,” the report said. It further states that preference for Indic languages is higher in non-metros at 53% compared to metros at 39% while 93% of YouTube viewers prefer watching content in Indian languages.

The trends in the report offer stakeholders, marketers, and industry leaders a brief into the depth of research on the challenges and opportunities in the content marketing sphere.

Stay tuned with us for the full Mindshare-e4m Content Marketing Trends report that will be unveiled on April 30.

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