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The high-customization medium


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Using Radio to target specific markets has helped Dutch MNC Philips reach consumers during specific occasions, thereby helping build thought leadership of Brand Philips, says Vivek Sharma, Chief Marketing Officer, Philips India Limited




Q] What’s been the most innovative Radio campaign undertaken by your brand?

Philips is in three businesses – healthcare, lighting and consumer lifestyle and one of the key objectives is to build thought leadership for the brand amongst specific audiences on specific occasions. We have looked at Radio differently and have brought on board experts to speak about issues on hand around the context of the Philips brand; thereby using Radio innovatively. For example on World Sleep Day, we got a well known somnologist to speak about sleep disorders,  specifically obstructive sleep apnea, where Philips is already active with consumers and also raised awareness about the importance of sleep. Similarly on World Heart Day, we had recorded shows focusing on heart problems, solutions, preventive measures and also had dial-in shows. Likewise, on Women’s Day, which is an area of interest for Philips, our experts spoke about key health issues for women, treatment options, and technology available; this was supplemented by celebration of Women’s Day on Radio. We also had an oncology expert during the Breast Cancer Awareness Month to speak on treatment and preventive measures, thereby showing our commitment to women’s health. By doing this, we help improve the lives of people and also build thought leadership of brand Philips.


Q] Are you looking at increase your Radio usage and upping your spends?

During Onam, we did a big activation for our kitchen appliances, accessing 5,000 households in Kerala. The contribution of Radio was very high for this campaign. We are increasing our spends and usage of Radio because it helps us reach specific geographies during special occasions or on specific days where topicality is of high relevance. It is not looked at on an all-India level as Radio is a very local medium. Radio always supplements the other activities so that it gives a huge multi-media approach and we are able to actually access people at specific times, when they are going to office or driving home at the end of the day.


Q] How do you rate innovation and customization on Radio versus other media?

Radio offers a high degree of customization, and I would rate it only after Digital in terms of   interactivity Listeners can dial back, have a dialogue with the RJ, and participate in contests. However, there is a specific mode and timing for listeners, unlike Digital, you can’t do it whenever you want. But compared to Print, Television and Outdoor, Radio does offer high scope of interactivity and flexibility.


Q] How do you think Radio can be utilized better as a marketing tool?

You can’t take creatives from other mass mediums like Print or Television and adapt it for Radio; so customization of creatives is important. You cannot use the same messaging because Radio is a medium of listening and very oral, so the creative and the messaging has to be devised in the context of Radio only. I don’t think incessant bombarding of the same message works on Radio as there is no visual supporting it. So, marketers can use it better by having multiple creatives which can keep the listener’s interest alive. It would help if Radio has linkages to other parts of your marketing elements or touch-points, directing the listeners to your website, Twitter handle, Facebook page or your retail touch-point where they can buy or interact with someone.


Q] Does Radio help connect with not just the masses but also the classes?

For premium mass brands, a lot of that segment can be accessed by Radio because at specific times, Radio is on as a background device in people’s cars. As Radio can be accessed through mobile phones, it is a good medium to connect with the youth as well.


Q] How does Radio score over other media formats?

Radio complements other media formats and competes very well with Digital media in terms of inclusivity of the audience, interactivity with the message and the brand. The medium offers high options of customization and interactivity options, so in that sense Radio scores high.


Q] How important is Radio as a communication tool for Brand Philips?

It is increasingly relevant as marketing campaigns are moving from two to three big campaigns a year to multiple small focused activities and campaigns throughout the year. Marketing is also moving from two or three big spend windows to targeted focused micro-marketing in various metros on various occasions - be it festivals like Pongal and Onam or occasions like World Sleep Day. Radio offers high flexibility in terms of targeted geographies, timely reach and focus.


NoteBook: Radio

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