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The word ‘uncertainty’ is probably the best way to define my journey of starting my venture. When people ask me what the one thing is that inspired me or drove me to start this company, I answer with absolute conviction, “Don’t overthink things, just go with the flow and see where life takes you.”

Turning challenges into opportunities
I strongly believe in the quote by Jimmy Dean which states, “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” In my opinion, if the work you do does not challenge you, then it can’t change you. In my own life, the journey from working in a brokerage firm to running my own enterprise has not been easy, but my attitude of turning challenges into opportunities has helped keep the ball rolling.

The ability to change is the true measure of intelligence
Change has been one of the major aspects of my life. Taking stock of the changes in the insurance industry and excelling by beating the rapid pace of innovations, has been one of the finest things that happened to my company, and I consider it the stepping stone to our success. People refrain from accepting change or unintentionally implant the fear of change within them. Believe me, leaving my comfort zone has fashioned me into the person I am today. It is not always the strongest or the most intelligent who survives, but it is the one who manages to change.

The Three P’s to Success – Patience, Persistence and Perspiration
These three factors make an unbeatable blend for any success story. It’s the patience that keeps you going in spite of all the hurdles and barriers that you may face while heading towards your goal. Persistence inspires you to keep moving, notwithstanding difficult situations or opposition, besides giving you the courage and strength to compete and move ahead of your competitors.

The ‘Never Say No’ Attitude
I never say ‘no’ to any work which comes my way, as I firmly believe in excelling and getting the best out of whatever I am doing. This attitude has led me to do incredible things, record achievements, work with the most amazing people, and enhance my potential and self-confidence.

The Optimistic Approach
Winston Churchill once said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” These words are entrenched deeply into my mind and soul and therefore I am able to find a positive solution to every hurdle. Being optimistic obviously does not mean that one will have a life filled with rainbows, but it definitely opens up your mind to endless possibilities of performing tasks, learning from different situations and most importantly the ability to keep on moving.

Handling Pressure
For me, the measure of a man is not how he behaves when things go smoothly, but how he reacts when he is challenged. People often lose hope and stop or change their ardour for achieving their goal when difficulties arise. Trusting your true passion and efforts will itself give you the potency to face stressful situations and help you explore your potential to the fullest.

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