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Cricket in The Conference Room


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By Kesavan Kandadai

CEO, Tangerine Digital


Many experts have argued that test cricket is a microcosm of life itself. I believe in this theory as well and also believe that the game’s principles can be applied to business too.


The role of a captain

During my school days, cricket was an integral part of my daily life. In 1992, I was made captain of the local cricket team. Everyone worked out during the after-school hours and the only thing that mattered was bringing joy and pride to the club. Planning our moves and strategy was an integral part of being a captain, which I apply even today in all my projects. I believe building camaraderie within the team, decisiveness, agility in changing tactics as per match conditions and playing within the spirit of the game are critical to a business leaders’ success.


The importance of individual contribution

Cricket is played with 11 players on the field and substitute players on the benches. The performance of every player is as important as the next player and that is what makes the team. These 11 individual contributions tied to a collective goal, strategy and method is what ensures consistent success. Similarly in every organization, the individual performance of every member, tied to a collective target ensures organizational progress. A batsman is alone at the wicket, facing a bowler. Similarly in an organization, each individual should be encouraged to play their game to the best of their ability and excel.



When we work as a team, the pressure of performance is distributed and attainment of success seems relatively easier. Encouraging one another gives additional strength to achieve the goal which may seem difficult as individuals. This simple mantra of a team tied to a collective goal, strategy and method is what ensures consistent success for any business as well.


The concept of ‘It’s not over, unless the last ball is bowled’

Building up the optimism is also crucial for winning in business just like in the game of cricket. Sometimes, the last ball bowled determines the fate of a team; whether it is a remarkable win, loss/draw or morale boosting outcome. Similarly, in business too, sheer perseverance has ensured many a success.


Winning key moments

Simple lessons can help in our path to success but intuition is something that comes from within. It is a very important part of leading a team. The bigger picture must always be seen by the leader to analyze on how to go about in achieving a goal. Here is when experiences of life come in handy. One has to sense the opportunity and go after capturing that moment. Agility, decisiveness and energy are required to capture the moment and make it your own.


One of my favourite novelists has perfectly put my belief in a quote: “It takes two flints to start a fire.” In the animal world or in the human world, in sports or in business, effective teamwork is the only way to achieve success.


Feedback: kesavank@tangerinedigital.com

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