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Fetish For Fitness!


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By Nabendu Bhattacharyya

Founder and Managing Director, Milestone Brandcom


Growing up in the magical city of Kolkata where sport was worshipped and football ruled hearts, I  dreamt of being a soccer player. Needless to say, I never chased that dream and made a career out of my passion for Advertising and Media instead. I guess a lot of that had to do with growing up in a middle class Indian family, where sport is just not regarded as a career option. While I was busy building brands through outdoor advertising, the little boy in me never stopped following football. While watching the Euro Cup on a holiday in 2008, I realized that even though I couldn’t take it up professionally, I still longed to be a part of the excitement and energy that came along with football.


This led to me taking up my fitness very seriously. It is probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. I soon started working out daily and saw the difference it brought about in my personality and attitude. Fitness and sport require dedication, determination and discipline like no other. You cannot be slack or careless at any time; it shows in the results.


Now I get up every morning and work out before I go to office. It helps me clear my mind like no other activity can and helps me think more creatively. I feel upbeat throughout the day. I love that exhilarating feeling when you know you have pushed your body further than its usual limit. I love the pleasant soreness in the muscles after a good workout and more than anything, I love the adrenaline rush that comes along with it. It keeps me going through the entire day, with tight deadlines and difficult mandates.


It was in one of those moments of clarity I had while working out that the idea of Milestone Brandcom crystallized. It was one of those adrenaline-driven moments when I knew I had it in me to take the entrepreneurial plunge and that I had little to fear. I didn’t have to disappoint myself further - I had already given up football and I wasn’t going to give up on this adventure without a try. It was my workout regime that kept me sane through some of the insane moments that came along with the adventure. Exercise helped me calm down and energize myself at the same time.


I firmly believe that everyone must take their fitness seriously. I go by the adage that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body, and I even have an in-house miniature gym set up in my office for all employees to use for this very reason. They too have benefited from the effects of a good workout during stressful situations. We may not be professional sportspeople, but our bodies still need to be in the best of shape to be able to deal with the daily pressures that come along with life in the 21st century. We need to be fit and tough to be able to deal with the mental, emotional and physical stress that comes along with the competition in the corporate world. It is this fetish of mine for fitness that keeps me going through every adventure.


Feedback: nabendu@milestonemedia.in

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