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Joy at work


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Director, Eclass Education System Limited

Being in the field of education is a matter of fun and joy, as you get the opportunity to interact with children, understand their problems and see them come up with solutions in their own simple, yet effective, ways.

Every day, I get numerous letters from schools and parents thanking the company for helping their children score more and excel in life. There are calls from other language schools who use our product Eclass on a mute mode and teach children with the help of audio-visuals provided by us. There are e-mails from schools appreciating the level of attention to detail in our content and how it has helped them churn out more and more rankers every year. There are photographs of students bagging trophies in various extra-curricular activities which they could participate in, thanks to Eclass and the way it helps students finish their studies in less time. It gives me immense satisfaction and a heightened sense of joy to read these letters, to talk to these teachers and families. Each one of these experiences has been a memorable event in my life but there are a few which have made a permanent mark in my heart and given me the true sense of “joy at work”.

One such moment is when I received a letter from the principal of a small school in a remote taluka of Maharashtra that operates in an area where there is power supply only for a few hours. They face the grave problem of lack of good quality teachers in their school, which has a direct impact on the results of their students. But after using Eclass, our audiovisual learning content as per the syllabus of Maharashtra State Board, they saw a tremendous growth in the quality of results. They hold special sessions during the time of the day when they have electricity and their students now learn on TV in their classroom and understand their studies better.

The principal said that thanks to the userfriendly learning aid, the number of students in his school had also increased and they were now looking forward to school. By the end of it, I was humbled to know that I had been able to help the cause of education in our nation in some way. I was truly overwhelmed to learn that our product and company are not just making profits, but also bringing smiles and happiness in the lives of little children and helping educators in our own little way. After all, good education is the pillar of a successful nation.

And it is the thought of these smiles that drive me to do more, to work harder and to create more and more ingenious solutions for the students of our country. It is their happiness and success that brings joy to my work and puts a big smile on my own face.

Feedback: riddh@sundaramedusys.in

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