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BY Amrita Deora

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When the earliest undisputed art creation can be traced back to 40,000 BC, it is a big ask for myself as a 22-year-old art entrepreneur to define the true purpose of a subject as time-tested as art. However, since The Designera delves so deeply into the ethos of creation, I felt it was paramount to define the purpose to grow my love affair with art.Along with its beauty, the controversy around art is just as predominant as the subject itself. Should it be taught in school? Should it be censored? Is modern art, art? The foundation of these answers lies in one simple question – what is truly the purpose of this field that has seduced millions through the ages?

Art For Change: The Avant-Garde
One of the strong purposes of art is using it as an instrument for social change. The avant-garde are experimental and radical creations that push the boundaries of acceptability and status quo. Avant-garde art pieces are creations that are used to communicate political, spiritual or philosophical ideas with an intention of the advancement of society. What greater purpose of design than to bring about revolution?

Window To Another World: Catharsis
Another crucial purpose of art is allowing it to serve as the window to another world, an escape of sorts for our imagination. When you are in the presence of exquisite art, it opens the door to a realm of untapped ideas and emotions, much like any other spiritual experience. The painting becomes a threshold into a cathartic universe and a portal into the divine. As German artist, Richter eloquently put into words, “Art is making sense and giving shape to that sense. It is like the religious search for God."

Elicit Awareness
Art is also proven to produce critical thinking; it gives us an opportunity to be curious, or astonished or even confused. When we engage with art, it allows for a far deeper level of thinking and understanding. This explains why art is also used as a means for therapy and psychological healing. It channels our inner awareness, bringing us closer to our truest selves. As beautiful as art may be, its resolve goes miles beyond just beautifying the walls of a space. Art holds the power to create revolution, open your heart, nourish your mind and truly change the world.

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Tags : backbeat art opinion Amrita Deora The Designera avant-garde culture