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You never forget your first run- a mix of adrenaline, overconfidence and lots of rookie mistakes. Back then I discovered myself standing at the starting line of the first Mumbai Marathon, driven by pure enthusiasm. Only if I understood then that this impulsive and extremely humbling experience mirrored the unprepared leaps many take entering their professional lives.

Stemming from this realisation, I believe that skilling, much like training for a marathon, is a continuous process that requires perseverance and adaptation that leads to improvement in performance and growth.

By 2023, I had reduced my average running time by 35 minutes while also preparing for a full marathon in 2024 after a lot of training and practice. My journey from that unprepared start to a place where I can confidently tackle a full marathon has been rife with lessons that extend beyond just running shoes and sweaty miles.

You are never too old!
Remember that there is no age to start something new. Skilling and fitness are two important line items in life which are both in your own hands. It relies on your willingness and dedication to consistently improve over time and be in a better position compared to where you started. One just needs a gentle nudge sometimes as a reminder to wake up and keep up with the rapidly progressing world.

The 3S rule
Short, specific, and simple goals –guiding principles through my journey! Whether I’m planning my running milestones or navigating the complexities of the business landscape, breaking down daunting tasks into manageable steps has proven to be a recipe for long-term success. Hence, it is imperative to set practical and realistic goals when striving to succeed at any task.

Push out of your comfort zone
Yes! That is where real growth lies. It challenges us to confront the unfamiliar, fostering adaptability and resilience. In both running and business, leaving the familiar behind enables us to discover untapped potential, helps in breaking through self-imposed limitations, and ultimately, embraces transformative experiences that contribute to our overall development.

Consistency is Key!
I have always believed running a business is akin to being an athlete, meaning it requires a lot of resilience and discipline. Just as a runner builds endurance through regular training, maintaining consistency in our efforts cultivates discipline and reliability. While career-building, a steadfast commitment to goals over time fosters progress and builds a foundation for long-term success. It’s the repetitive strides and daily dedication that ultimately lead to significant achievements. However, this does not mean you exhaust yourself. Instead, you should be mindful about taking regular breaks, giving your body the rest it needs to recuperate.

Stay Passionate
Passion is the driving force that propels us forward, be it on the running track or in our professional endeavours. Passion infuses our actions with purpose, transforming routine tasks into meaningful milestones. It’s this fervour that drives us through the challenges and ensures a sustained and fulfilling journey, making every step count towards our ultimate objectives.

In essence, building a career is not a sprint, it’s a marathon – a marathon of life. It demands strategic planning, deliberate progress, trusting your instinct and the wisdom to recognise that preparation is the key to unlocking one’s full potential. Therefore, treat this as your wake-up call to kickstart your fitness journey and your career by adopting a visionary approach to life and taking action. As marathon runners train to conquer distances, professionals must skill, reskill and upskill to navigate the evolving landscape of their careers.

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